Student Council
The school council is a representative group of students who have been elected by their peers to state their views, propose and take forward initiatives and raise issues with the Senior Leadership Team and Governors of their school. The school council offers students the chance to develop important life-skills, such as leadership, communication and team work, as well as the opportunity to act positively on behalf of others, strengthening the community of our school.
Elections for the school council take place at the beginning of the academic year. Students in each year group complete an application form listing the 3 most important characteristics they have which make them suitable to be a school council representative and three areas they would like to improve in the school. The election is a blind process and students vote for a year representative for their year group on the basis of the characteristics and aims of each candidate. Once votes have been counted, two representatives are elected for each year group.
The school council is supervised by a member of the Senior Leadership Team who meets with the newly elected school council to agree the whole school priorities for the school council each year. This is based on a process of year representative seeking priority areas from their year groups, looking for commonalities across year groups and narrowing down the list until it is manageable! In this way, the school council provides an important voice within the school community. Issues raised and acted upon by the school council have included: raising money and awareness for mental health charities, choosing outdoor fitness equipment for the school and holding a whole school cultural awareness week.